Monday, 26 March 2012

Download Nero Burning ROM Micro 11

Download Size - 43.61 MB
Nero Burning ROM adalah aplikasi burning CDR / DVDR / Blu-ray terbaik di pasaran. Nero Burning ROM 11.0.11200 Mikro adalah versi yang diperkecil dan penggabungkan featurenya yaitu hanya terdiri dari Nero BurningROM dan Nero Express.
Fasilitasnya antara lain copy disk, desainer sampul dan bahkan editor file audio. Para desing GUI yang sangat baik membuat semua fungsi berguna dan menjamin bahwa tugas-tugas sederhana dapat dilakukan dengan cepat.Dengan hasil burning yang tahan lama - burning eksklusif yaitu menggunakan teknologi Nero SecurDisc 3.0.
Customized Burning and Copying Options:
· Burn and copy to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs or save disc images to hard drives, networks, and USB devices or span oversized files to multiple discs and different disc types.

Advanced Disc Data Protection:
· Add state-of-the-art SecurDisc protection to your burned discs with personal passwords, encryption options and digital signatures. Get alerts before disc data deteriorates, allowing for time to back up.

Long-Lasting Disc Data Readability and Content Quality:
· Ensure that burned data is readable regardless of scratches, age, or deterioration with cutting-edge SecurDisc technology.

Convenient Features That Do More Than Just Burning:
· Go beyond just burning and erase rewritable discs with the option to effectively retrieve data, convert audio files into other formats or rip Audio CDs directly with album cover, song titles and artists names.

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